Thursday, October 29, 2015

blog 6

1.      Which items had the largest headlines?  Why? huge international stories, as well as hard impact new, the election

2.     Which items had the smallest headlines?  Why? stuff that wasn't that exciting or didn't have  whole lot of information 

3.     Which stories had photos?  Why? the biggest stories have photos. to add a picture to whats happening.

4.     Consider the placement of the articles.  Does the position of a story (above or below the fold) affect the reader’s response to it?  Why? yes, the more centered and bigger it is the more important it is to the reader to read.

5.     What other information does the front page include in addition to major news reports?  How does this extra information affect the reader’s attention? involvements with military in countries, ads, big time deaths.

6.     How many stories are on the front page? 11 stories

7.     How many stories are local?          National?  5      International? 7

8.     What do you find appealing about this front page?  What would you like to change? the art and ads on the bottom, the rest is just to boring almost. id change the format. more user friendly

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