Friday, August 28, 2015

News Worksheet

Headline of Article:__

It's A Boy! National Zoo Reveals Surviving Panda Cub's Gender


Issue Date:_August 28th 2015 ___________________________________________________________________

Section:_U.S news ________________________________________Page:_1 ________________________


Three Reasons why I chose this article (interest in subject, heard about it from a friend, etc.):

1) The Title caught my attention



2) I like animals



3) and pandas are a interesting animal


Write a brief summary of the article:





Write TWO reactions you had about the article:

1) i was excited that one of the cubs survived



2) i was also sad that the other male cub died


Write a direct quote from the article that you found intriguing/interesting:

 "Genetic testing also showed that he was sired by China's panda, Tian Tian, the zoo tweeted."


List one connection I can make between this article and something else I know about (whether from personal experience, school, a book I have read, a movie I have seen, or anything else):
 just like the zoo staff awaiting the cubs birth i was waiting anxiously for the birth of my baby brother

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