Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blog 7

The lawyer game was somewhat fun but interesting at the same time and it taught me a few things about how court cases work on a basic level. It was also a little confusing at first but easy to adapt to. Overall Taught me alot.

blog 6

1.      Which items had the largest headlines?  Why? huge international stories, as well as hard impact new, the election

2.     Which items had the smallest headlines?  Why? stuff that wasn't that exciting or didn't have  whole lot of information 

3.     Which stories had photos?  Why? the biggest stories have photos. to add a picture to whats happening.

4.     Consider the placement of the articles.  Does the position of a story (above or below the fold) affect the reader’s response to it?  Why? yes, the more centered and bigger it is the more important it is to the reader to read.

5.     What other information does the front page include in addition to major news reports?  How does this extra information affect the reader’s attention? involvements with military in countries, ads, big time deaths.

6.     How many stories are on the front page? 11 stories

7.     How many stories are local?          National?  5      International? 7

8.     What do you find appealing about this front page?  What would you like to change? the art and ads on the bottom, the rest is just to boring almost. id change the format. more user friendly

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Blog 5

1. 53 degrees

2. World Series Drama: A Four Minute Blackout

3. Soda Tax: Not The Answer

4.Greenland Temperatures Rising

5. Rights ‘Dire’ in Iran, U.N. Official Says

7. Kierra Knightley

8.Rights ‘Dire’ in Iran, U.N. Official Says

9. A Strangeness In My Mind

10.its an essential read for anyone who wants to know what happens on the federal open market.

11.Richard Cardamone

12. "Evidence of contagion in Earnings Management"

13.Royals 5, Mets 4

14. Kitchen Appliances

15. International page

Friday, September 25, 2015

Football Practices With a Twist

This article was very interesting because it wasn't a football player that invented this tackle dummy. a friend of a football player who is majoring in engineering and science created this prototype because he saw the injuries his buddy got from live tackling during practice. this is a great idea because its taking 1 person out of a drill, taking the risk of injury out of tackling in practice by 50%. I personally believe this technology should be expanded throughout colleges and even highschools all across the country. anytime you can save a player from a possible injury you should do it.

Human Interest Articles

This Dam is in north Carolina and is a old abandoned work site that was closed and shut down after it threatened the local ecosystem. this place is intriguing to me because of its age and that is a local landmark that has just been abandoned. i would defiantly go there someday just to see how nature takes things back over after man leaves them. this is a human interest story cause its not hard news, its just something that can draw peoples attention just for something to read.

This abandoned police station in mexico city used to be the home of a very well known police chief with a bad reputation and crookedness. this is intriguing because there is a lot of history  behind this police station and what happened there in the late 70's and early 80's. i would be a little hesitant to go there just due to the bad stories and reputation the place has. but it would defiantly be interesting to see. this is a human interest story just due to its history with no prominence.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Locating News Leads

Lead:Republicans eager to blunt Donald Trump's front-runner status in the GOP presidential primary think they've found the issue that will finally sink the billionaire's White House hopes: eminent domain.

Who: Donalds Trump
What: Presidential canidate
When: sept 24
Where: white house
Wow: why he cant be president

Lead:Pope Francis, fresh from a historic speech before a joint meeting of Congress, is having lunch with low-income and homeless people at Catholic Charities in Washington, D.C.

Who: Pope Francis
What: speaks with homeless
When: Sept 24th
Where: Washington D.C.
Wow: Pope Francis meets with homeless and buys them food 

Lead:President Obama is set to have a one-on-one meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin next week at the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Who: President Obama
What: meeting with Putin
When: Next week
Where: New York
Wow: Obama and Vladamir Putin will meet

Friday, August 28, 2015

story corps worksheet

Story Title: stargazing from the street corner. telescope and hat in hand.
Who was being interviewed and by whom?  Herman Heyn interviewed by John Heyn
Summary of story: this man for free, shows anybody that is interested in looking at the stars what it looks like through his telescope. he has made a living from this and works on the street almost everyday
As you listen, take note of anything that seems interesting, surprising, memorable, or touching.
 that he quit a solid job with benefits to look at stars and provide a free service
Why did you choose this story?
 it caught my attntion by the picture
How did this story touch you or connect with your life?
 my grandparents always had a telescope looking out on of there windows
What surprised you in the story or what did you learn that you did not know before?
 that he did this for free but still takes tips
What questions did the interviewer ask?
 how long he had been doing this and why he wanted to do it
Story #2: Reflective Notes on StoryCorps Stories
Story Title: this teen  wanted to die, but an officer told him don't give up
Who was being interviewed and by whom? sean patrick interviewed by john gately
Summary of story: a junior in high school developed a mental disease and faked a school shooting so that police would shoot him and end his misery. he lived and now thanks the officer for understanding him and giving him a chance a life
As you listen, take note of anything that seems interesting, surprising, memorable, or touching.
 that even after such a hostile situation the officer realized he was just a kid and now understands what he went through, Sean didn't want to hurt anyone he just wanted to end his suffering
Why did you choose this story?
 it grabbed my attention, its not uncommon to here of a teen wanting to give there life away anymore and thats a very sad thing
How did this story touch you or connect with your life?
 it didn't directly relate because ive never been in such a situation but it definatly tugged on the hear, very sad story.
What surprised you in the story or what did you learn that you did not know before?
 it surprised me that he went to such an extent just to have someone end his pain because he was in so much.
What questions did the interviewer ask?
 where he is now, how its effected his life, and how he recovered.